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My First Class

5 Years Ago Today, My Life Changed Forever

It was a Friday. My oldest daughter (the one on the right up there) was 2.5 months old. There we were, on a brisk but beautiful January morning, sitting in the car in the parking lot of Brushy Creek Lake Park. We were minutes away from walking up to a stroller fitness class, with no idea that it would change EVERYTHING.

But let's back up for a second. . .

Paisley was born in October of 2018 and I was immediately enveloped in love, joy, awe. We spent the rest of that year enjoying this new adventure, soaking up snuggles, and figuring out what life as a little family looked like. But as the dust from the holidays settled, and my husband returned to working his midnight shift, the loneliness quickly set in.

You see - I was the first of any of my friends to have a child. I live 1,700 miles away from all my family. My husband works a demanding, and sometimes unpredictable, job. Suddenly, I found myself alone with this tiny babe, who slept most of the day and didn't answer back to me when I spoke. I loved this baby so deeply and was so excited to be on this new journey, and yet at the same time, I was lost.

What do moms DO? What am I supposed to be filling my days with? How do I make MOM friends?

Nurse, pump, rock, nurse, eat alone, pump, squeeze in a short lonely workout in my garage, eat, nurse, pump... you get the picture.

I lasted less than two weeks in that rhythm before I knew I needed a change or I would implode. I took to Google, searching "mommy and me activities", "things for moms in Austin", and the like. And then I found it.

I remember the overwhelming joy, and frankly relief, I felt when I found the FIT4MOM website. With a background in fitness and a passion for wellness, I was thrilled to find something that seemed almost made for me. Get out of my garage for workouts again and make moms friends at the same time?! COUNT ME IN! I was SO excited to find it, that at 8pm on Thursday night I signed up for the 9:30am class happening the next morning! There was no hesitation... Until we got to the park.

We arrived at Brushy Creek Lake Park for the Friday Stroller Barre class. We got there early because I wanted to be sure I found the right park, the right meeting place. But suddenly, as I pulled in, I was paralyzed. The nerves around walking up to a big group of moms, who are all seemingly already besties. The fear of being judged for not knowing what the heck I am doing as a new mom. The thought of my daughter being fussy during class or needing to nurse (which I wasn't yet comfortable doing in public).

I parked in the furthest spot in the back row of the parking lot. I sat in my car, with the nerves growing, and watched as every single other mom pulled up, unpacked their stroller, and walked over to the warmup circle - smiling and laughing. I even got my stroller out, loaded all our stuff in it, and then got back in the car, second guessing if I was brave enough to go over there. I waited until 9:29, swallowed the lump in my throat, and got out of the car.

I took one more deep breath as I walked over to join the circle. The rest is history.


I'm sharing this story with you because I GET IT.

I'm now the owner of FIT4MOM Cedar Park/Leander, but 5 short years ago I was right where you are - desperately craving a community and equally as nervous to join one. I know the mama isolation that you're feeling; whether you're a brand new mom, moved far away from family, had a recent life change, or so on. I also know how intimidating it is to put yourself out there and how hard it is to get yourself out of the house with little ones.


Whether you're nervous about meeting a new group of people, not sure if you can keep up in the workout, are afraid of how your little(s) will do during class? Please know that every single mom felt the same way before their first class. Including, me.

Navigating motherhood is HARD. You shouldn't have to do it alone, lonely, or scared. We are here for you. I AM HERE FOR YOU.

So if you're ready to get yourself out there but you're nervous, give me a shout. I will personally meet you there and promise you a smiling face to walk up to, a loving hello, a supportive environment, and a warmup circle you'll be welcomed into with more warmth than you could imagine.

Come join me and let's do this mamahood thing together!

XO - Kaitlyn